logodynamip.jpg (2633 bytes) Setup Example WEBcam

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Setup Example E-mail
Setup Example WEBcam

Note: the following is only an example. You need to replace all the sample information with your own information if you want this to work on your own computer!

Switch on your video camera and start DynamIP and choose the menu Tools | WEBcam. You should see the following window (this is good news - instead of the blue rectangle you may already see a frame captured by your video camera):
dipwebcamdriverok.gif (8661 bytes)

If DynamIP cannot load the video capture driver you will see the following window (this is bad news!):
dipwebcamdrivernotok.gif (8389 bytes)
In this case you should probably first trouble-shoot your video camera and/or the capture driver. Note that most drivers are loadable by one appliation at a time only, i.e. if you have some other application running that uses your video camera DynamIP will most likely not be able to load the driver at the same time. If you are not able to get the camera working with the software that was provided when you bought your camera, it is unlikely that DynamIP will do the trick.
Through the buttons Source, Format, and Display you have access to all the functionality that your video camera software offers. With most cameras, for example, you can change the size of the picture by clicking on the Format button. Check the Preview box to see a live picture provided by your camera.
Now you need to tell DynamIP where to save the capture files and what they should be called. The default values are capture.bmp and capture.jpg (without a path specification DynamIP will save the capture files directly into the DynamIP installation directory). Unless you have good reason to change the default settings it's probably a good idea to just leave them unchanged.

Now you need to decide whether you want to run a local WEBcam site (from your own computer with your own web server) or upload the pictures periodically to a remote web server (remote WEBcam site). You can also do some fancy capture sequences:

Setup Example Local WEBcam
Setup Example Remote WEBcam
Setup Example WEBcam Sequence

Last modified: March 30, 1999
OFFLINEvisitors since May 1, 1998

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